I would just like to take a minute now to wish all you lovely readers a happy new year, 2012. I'm here having a whale of a time and sincerely hope you are finding some enjoyment reading all about it. Thanks for being a part of it all and please, please, please, keep coming back. We have another 18 days to go yet and then some so don't give up on me right now.
and by the way... did you know that this year would be the Chinese year of the
dragon? No way you may say but believe it or not it is true. Take a look at
what just walked in through the front door here... A cute little chap isn't he?
Excuse the smoke by the way but he has just returned from lighting the local firework displays around here. Another surreal kind of something is not quite right experience for me. Remember I'm a brit and to us brits, you usually get fireworks in the middle of winter not summer.
So watching all of the fireworks welcoming in the new year with cloudless skies, warm temperatures, no rain, sleet or snow is a real brain teaser and as good as the noisy fizz bang crackle bang fireworks actually were, they still seemed far from right. No wonder my brain often hurts. And then there's the time element to be aware of too. 11 pm here (Brisbane) is midnight in Sydney. So who really knows when the australian new year should really begin.

Anyway, that's enough from me for now. Have yourselves a really good 2012 and don't get too drunk tonight while getting there if you haven't already, or if you did have too much, feel free to join me in enjoying the first of many strong coffees to come.
Happy January the first to absolutely everyone!!
And now, if you don't mind, I really must take my leave. I'll be the one sitting in the corner waiting for the voices (Screaming in my head) to stop... All the very best guys.
New Year's this year was one of the most quiet I have ever had. And I am truly thankful for that. The first one I havent had Madi but I did have Andy and it was just wonderful being with him, seeing the fire works, both lots, and seeing in the new year with him. Standing and watching the fireworks from the complex I live in, his arms wrapped around me, what more could I have wanted.
ReplyDeleteThis new year is full of hope and promise, something that hasnt been in my life for a very long time. Goals for Madi and myself, goals for cadets and goals for Andy and myself too. This is going to be a big year where anything is possible. I look forward to the achievements of this year.
Health Wealth and Happiness to you all
Andy, thank you for making me come to life in a way I never thought possible, thank you for all the joy and love you have brought to my life.