it’s been a while and I know I have been rather slack in updating this since my
return to bleakest, deepest, darkest, ice laden Rossendale but it takes time to
get back into the gist of things when you’ve been away for as long as I have
and you now have problems dealing with the cold.
instance, there’s been a lot of news that needs to be properly addressed in
order to more smoothly integrate back into polite society while knowing what’s been
happening within one’s surroundings. And while I have been away, there have
been a few items of particular note that have occurred in my absence, things I
will now attempt to fully relate to you my lovely (if not a little needy) readers...
First off, a Rossendale
GP (that means doctor) claims to have stumbled upon a simple ‘wonder cure’ for
most common ailments...
Hansneed Warming takes up the story for us:
been out shopping with my good lady wife, and got home feeling absolutely
terrible. My head was throbbing, my back was aching, chills were racing
throughout my body and my corns were giving me severe troubles. But not long
after a nice hot cuppa and a relaxing sit down, my symptoms had completely
disappeared. And that got me to thinking...”
patients since then have responded extremely well to his treatments of ‘a nice
cuppa and a sit down’. And unlike the many expensive drug therapies available
out there today, none of them exhibited any evidence of any adverse side
effects or allergies whatsoever. Apart of course from the appendix patient that
is. But he simply got whisked off to hospital before the good doctor could get
the kettle on. So the preliminary results so far, are seen to be most encouraging.
And then there was the
news that the government has made plans to put 50 odd trillion Nectar Points
into the ailing British economy to help boost an early recovery...
an announcement earlier this week, which will delight shoppers and the city
alike, the fourteen figure number of Nectar Points and Tesco Club Card vouchers
will be released into the economy to help boost consumer spending. Eight
billion Air Miles will also be created, enough to send a family of four on a retreat
to Saturn and back (terms and conditions apply). Boots the Chemist Advantage
Card holders will also be getting a free nail care kit each, and in a surprise
move, Green Shield Stamps (which met their demise in 1983) will become re-valid
until the end of the year.

in a further attempt to ease the cost of these new ‘quantitative easing’
initiatives, the government has also made plans to email .pdf files of three
twenty pound notes to every household in Doncaster. The catch... They have to
print their own money, thereby lessening the financial burden on the royal
government now urges the public that with the latest glut of loyalty scheme points
and vouchers now shown to be in circulation, there’s never really been a better
time to go out and buy a full colour printer, papers of different variety and perhaps
stockpile a few extortionately priced ink cartridges.
Next there are fears
that a Rawtenstall woman has sparked off a new pandemic...
six year old Mrs Beau Nidle, was suspected of contracting a new strain of the
common cold. Complaining of a sore throat and feeling ‘a bit bunged up’,
instead of just struggling on regardless, she announced she was going to take
the day off work and endlessly complain about how ill she was to her partner.
It was at this point that government scientists confirmed she was obviously suffering
from that old anathema, Man Flu.

now claim that a rare mutation has caused the Man Flu virus to spread to women
and although the police have cordoned off the area of this outbreak, experts
say there is a real fear for it to reach Pandemic proportions and the subsequent
infecting of millions of women across the country will follow.
asked to comment, her husband said, “Her symptoms are quite similar to what I
had a few weeks ago, although when I had it, it was obviously much much worse.
Maybe she just needed ‘a nice cuppa and a sit down’”.
In other news,
Lancashire police confirmed that a man was stopped for a random breathalyser
test was proved negative,” explained officer Dibble from the Ribble, “However
just as I was sending the chap on his way I spotted a Fine Young Cannibals CD
hanging out of his glove box. Naturally, being a fellow fan, I asked him if I
could ‘friend him on facebook’. It was then that he confessed he didn’t have an
account preferring instead to use Google+”.
case was swiftly put together and the man taken to court for breaking new social
media laws introduced in early December 2011. But the case was soon dismissed
when the judge presiding was heard to ask, “Forgive me, but... What the fuck is
Internationally it has
been announced that NASA has engaged in finding a clone planet to that of the
right, NASA has been charged by the American government with the task of
finding a clone of the earth or any other earth-like planets. This is being done
urgently now, purely on the off chance they can ask said planet for a capitol
injecting sub if they ever find one. The cash strapped nation needing any form
of lifeline these days, has finally shown itself to be desperately clutching at
straws. And at the same time, President Barack O’bama was recently seen at a
cemetery laying flowers on a grave. As he was standing there he noticed four
coffin bearers walking about with a coffin. 3 hours later they were still
walking about with it. Oh my God he thought, these guys are like me, they’ve
completely lost the plot.
And finally the
government has today issued emergency flat caps to every man in England...
than 40 million flat caps will be brought out of government storage for
delivery to almost every man in Britain by the end of 2012, the Prime Minister David
Cameron revealed today.
emergency headgear will form a large part of the government’s multi-billion
pound investment programme aimed at getting Britain’s economy moving again and
raising the gloom of recession. It is the first time the standard issue peaked
cloth cap has been deployed in the UK in more than 60 years.
have not taken this decision lightly,” said Mr Cameron outside number 10, “but
desperate times call for desperate measures. The flat cap imbues a man with a
sense of responsibility and drive. It makes him strive for better things. All
this, while keeping his head warm in winter too.”
government issue emergency flat cap was first deployed during the great
depression of the 1930’s and well proved its worth both then and later on at
the end of World War II. It was only the subsequent resurgence of the economy
during the sixties that saw a recall of all flat caps for storage until another
major crisis of the economy would occur.
first batch of 25 million or so flat caps will be dropped by helicopter over
northern cities like Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool up to and including Glasgow
whereas in parts of London and the south east, traditional emergency protocol
will dictate the wearing of more formal top hats along with silver topped
not sure how the lead of this blog, ‘the hat’ is going to take that one.
But the big news of
that I am finally back in writing mode again and the blog will continue
henceforth. There is still much to be said with many more pics to add so I
suppose I had really just knuckle down and get on with it. Especially as Jodie
(Madame Dragonfly to you guys), has forever been reminding, no, telling me, forever
on my case (delete as appropriate) that you guys are desperately in need of
some form of closure.